Solar Solutions
Solar Solutions you need
Best Solar Company with over 10 years of experience
Domestic Solar
Capitalizing in a solar energy system for home is one of the best way to save money, increasing the worth of residential areas and their aesthetic view also it protects you from future increases in electricity tariff, and help the environment by turning to clean energy.
Business Solar
Solar energy has massive potential for utilization in this sector due to the high energy demand of industrial and commercial entities. Watt Techs Energy provides customized solutions to clients in this sector based on their energy portfolio and infrastructure.
For Agriculture
In Pakistan, where agriculture is the base of the economy, till date many areas where lands is very fertile, but due to the unavailability of the Electric Supply Irrigation is almost impossible or very costly.
For Industries
Our consultative approach offers industry-leading advices and solutions from bankrolling a solar system installation. Going towards solar is especially advantageous for many industrial applications because of the high-energy consumption these businesses require.

Fast and professional
Why choose Watttechs?

- 24/7 Online Monitoring
- Proven Best Often Sales Since 2012
- Professional Team
- Only Deals in Top Brands
- Extensive Experience in Designing
- Highly Skilled Professional Engineers
We take the time you need
Best Solar Company with over 10 years of experience
About Us
Watt Techs Pvt Ltd is one of the pioneer and leading solar energy solution provider in Pakistan. we are register with Pakistan Engineering Council under category C3 and with AEBD under Category are V2. We are consultant, designer and solar solution provider since 2013.
We provide state of the art solar energy systems. We have installed more than 10 MW solar across Pakistan. Our company has internationally recognized energy professionals from all over the world and our energy consultants are affiliate member of European Energy Center Edinburgh, Scotland.
We at watt-techs are working in collaboration with A-Grade solar panel manufacturers. we also have in-house solar panels and inverters testing and repairing facility as per international standards.
Watt-techs has engineered, constructed and currently operates many of the largest PV Power plants.
Our Experience across the solar value chain reduces risk while delivering more reliable dependable and cost effective solutions for our customers.

Our Process
AT Watt Techs we do implement projects management techniques to ensure solar system according to engineering para meters. We believe there is no right solution to your need unless we define project scope in depth .for this purpose site survey, load calculation ,area measurement, surge protection, load distribution etc play vital role for a right solar system design.
After site survey next step is installation of equipment according to solar engineering para meters with safety measure, Watt Techs has highly skilled installation team lead by Qualified Electrical engineer to make sure all quality control checks .we encourage solar system monitoring for customer ,our team can install monitoring devices or system configuration with internet where required.
Once system is ready for operation our engineering team do proper testing before handing over the solar system to our valued customer. During execution watt techs focus is “Quality work” from project definition to completion.
See what said our Customers
Our goal is your complete peace of mind and wellness

"My experience with Watt-techs was superior and well above professionalism. "

"Watt Techs is a brilliant firm"

" World Class Solar Energy Services . "